schranks say thanks! this year we hosted our very first thanksgiving and it was a success! it was a little bit stressful getting everything clean and organized, prepping the dishes, figuring out the timing on the day, and just hosting a large group in general, but we learned a lot and will have some improvements for next year. i started planning and prepping about a week out and i definitely recommend that. tony and i made a lot of the items, but all of our guests brought an item or two and it made a huge difference. i can’t imagine trying to do an entire thanksgiving dinner by ourselves. thank you schranks! i got all of these pumpkins at the minneapolis farmers market. i loved the larger green ones for the table, and i always get these smaller white ones. i tried to keep a neutral white/gold/green color palette and i think it turned out really beautiful. my mother-in-law got us this ‘gather’ sign that we hung by our fireplace. it was very cute!all of the small wood cuts are from target. they have silver, gold, and copper painted on the sides. i got these for thanksgiving but i can’t wait to use for more holidays too!tony wanted to make sure everyone knew that he folded all of the napkins. i told him what to do but he executed very well! one of my thanksgiving traditions is that i make this cornucopia! i’ve made this the past few years and i use these instructions but basically you make a mold out of tin foil and then cover the mold with pizza dough. i added a braid to the top and also added some rosemary to it for a little decoration. i filled it with rolls, but you could fill it with fruit, cheese, or even chocolate!
had a great ‘schranksgiving’ and i can’t wait for next year!