Dear baby girl,
You are the surprise of my life. I took a pregnancy test (the last random test left over from your brothers) and it said ‘pregnant,’ and I was shocked. Then I ran down to your dad and showed him the test, but I couldn’t find any words in the moment. I was speechless. A baby was coming. You were on your way! The greatest surprise of my life.
You were a surprise to us, but not to God. I love the verse, ‘before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’ We know that this is all God’s plan and we know that His timing is always perfect. You were always part of the plan and you are coming at the perfect time. There was always room for you! Your car seat is installed in the last seat in our car. Your things fill the last bedroom in our house. In a few months, your high chair will sit in the last spot at our dinner table. It was always you. The perfect fourth baby to complete our family.
You have been growing now for 37 weeks! This pregnancy has been such a joy (easiest of the three for sure!) I feel you moving every second of the day and night (my doctor says you will definitely not be a wallflower!) I’ve been trying to really slow down and enjoy the way it feels to be pregnant. I want to remember every kick and every movement because I know I will never feel it again. It’s the most bittersweet feeling.
When I toss and turn at night, I can’t help but think of you. What will you look like? Like your big sister? What will your personality be? Does the name we have picked out seem to fit you? How many days until we meet you? I worry a lot too, and I worry about a lot of different things. But one thing I do not worry about is the amount of love we have for you sweet girl. We love you more than you will ever know. You are so wanted, and so so loved.
Your mama (6-12-24)