I can’t believe you are five!! Was it really five years ago that we met for the first time? You were the most perfect baby I had ever seen. I was so excited to hold you. And even though I was so exhausted (it took almost an hour and a half to push you out!) I never wanted to let you go. Was that really five years ago?
Your birthday is always extra special for me (don’t tell your siblings), but today is also the day that I became a mom! Thank you for making me a mom and giving me the greatest joy I could have ever known. You taught me about unconditional love, patience, understanding, and so much more.
I have a lot of emotions thinking about my first baby turning five. It feels like we are leaving the baby years behind and heading straight to the big kid years. We have about a month together before kindergarten starts, and my mama heart is having a tough time with that. I am trying to sneak in every little moment I can with you this summer but it’s so hard with three little siblings at home too. I will miss you so much during the day but I am also so so excited for you.
You have the biggest heart, and you are always thinking of others. You are so joyful, you can put a smile on anyone’s face! You wear your heart on your sleeve, and you have some big big feelings (your dad is the same way!) You guys both have a lot of passion, and that’s one of the things I love most about you two. You love hard, and you also fight hard too. But you are always quick to apologize and hate when anyone is upset with you. We love that you have so much spirit, and that you’re so full of life.
You are the best big sister to your brothers and to your new baby sister. You play with them, teach them things, and are their biggest protector. Of course you fight like crazy too, but I know you all love each other and I hope that you’re all best friends someday!
You have a huge imagination, I can’t get over how creative you are. You love to get lost in the worlds of fairies, mermaids, and princesses. Dress up happens at our house every single day! Some days you are Mulan, other days you are a cat, and everything in between. We are always watching in awe of you, and get so excited to see what you come up with next.
You love to sing. Your preschool teacher left a note for you at the end of the year that said to ‘never stop singing!’ She said she would always hear you singing in the bathroom. You love to put on shows for us in the living room. Sometimes you sing Taylor Swift (or one of your other favorite artists!) but most of the time you sing original songs.
You are so smart and you love to learn! You are constantly telling us facts (where did she learn that?!) or remembering specific details from a year ago (how does she remember that?!) You ask one million questions a day, and you are so inquisitive! Preschool was so great for you because you are so eager to learn. You know all your letters and numbers, you can spell lots of different words, and I bet you can sight read about ten words now. I can’t wait to see you start to put words together and read books!
I’ll never forget your laughter, your ringlet curls, your 13 outfit changes per day, our trips to target, your prayers before dinner, or our kisses at bedtime. I am so proud to be your mom and I’m so so excited to see what the next year brings for you.
You always say that you ‘love me to Paris and back!’ or that you ‘love me to China and back!’ or something like that. Let’s just say that I love you to another galaxy and even further! I love you more than you will ever know sweet girl. Happy 5th birthday!
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!