To my twin boys,
Today is your second birthday! I found myself referring to you as “the babies” yesterday. I got teary thinking about how I should stop calling you that. You’re my big boys now!
When we found out we were having twins, we were scared. How would we do this? How could we care for two babies at the same time? But here we are two years later! I am incredibly proud of all of us for getting here. It’s been an absolutely wild ride, filled with ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I can’t imagine our family without you guys. You have brought so much joy to our lives.
Yesterday I was looking back at photos from your first birthday and I can’t believe how much you have changed in the last twelve months! A year ago you were both bald as an egg and crawling across the living room. You look like such little babies! This year you are sprinting the halls and wrestling on the carpet. What a difference a year makes!
You are both starting to talk more and more. I love to hear you say new words and you’re getting so good at repeating what we say. Your sign language is the cutest. There is something so sweet about you rubbing your belly to say “please” and signing for “more.” You have also started talking to each other in a sort of “twin language” that we don’t understand! I love to see you interact with each other and hope your bond continues to grow.
Sonny, my sonny bunny, and little mama’s boy. We love to hold hands and you are always reaching your hand out for mine. You like to lead me around, show me different things, and point to where I should sit down. You love to point! I never want to forget how you stand just pointing at stuff. I love how you always want mama when you wake up (and you are still our earliest riser!) Your favorite lovey is a stuffed puppy that you call “Ella” and you are so sweet with it.
Sonny, you are always on the move and so physical with your siblings. I like to call you “the instigator” because you sir are always starting fights with your brother! You have a very mischievous grin. When I see that little side eye, I know you’re about to do something sneaky! You love playing with balls and any kind of sports equipment. We can tell you’re going to be a natural at any sport you may decide to do. You like to make new friends and I notice you playing and talking with other kids a lot when we go out. The other day you kissed a little girl when we were saying goodbye to her. You dad and I will have to keep our eyes on you!
Theo, my theo bud, and perfect angel! You are the sweetest kid in the world and the biggest cuddler. I love that you like to stay in your sleep sack for the first few hours of the day. I never want to forget how you suck your thumb. You only do it now when you’re tired or right when you wake up. You are daddy’s buddy and I can tell the two of you will be forever best buds. Whenever you get hurt or scared or anything, it’s always “dada!!!” You sir are tough as nails! You’ve been through a lot already at two years old and absolutely never give up. You are a fighter!
Theo you are so silly, so fun, and the little jokester of our family. I picture you being the class clown someday. You love to shrug your shoulders with your palms up, as if to say “I don’t know?” I never want to forget your nose scrunch (more like total face scrunch) that your sister says looks like a smooch. I love how analytical you are and how you’re always trying to figure stuff out. You like to stand up all your toys in a line, and like to have your things just the way you want them. You love all your little characters like buzz lightyear, minnie mouse, and paw patrol.
Watching you grow up is so bittersweet for your mama! On one hand, I am so proud of the boys that you have become and I can’t wait to see what you do next. But on the other hand, there are many days where I wish I could go back to the night we met.
The next year is going to be full of changes for you both. We will be adding a baby sister very soon and I am so excited to see you in your new roles as big brothers. I still can’t believe that you two will no longer be “my babies” (in more ways than one!)
I love you my sweet boys and I feel doubly blessed to be the mom of two perfect two year olds! Happy second birthday!
Love, Mama