Dear Twins,
Sometimes when you pray for a miracle, you get two! We prayed and prayed for a baby to join our family and we were overjoyed when we found out we were having twins! What’s funny is, I just knew we were having twins. I had a feeling (and a lot of sickness!) and somehow knew there would be two of you! You both truly are gifts from God and we are so thankful and blessed that both of you were sent to our family.
You both LOVE to move and I feel you all the time (so much more than your big sister!) I feel every wiggle, kick, and roll, and it is wild! I wonder if you can feel each other too? We are at 33 weeks now and you are both head down! I can’t believe that after all of the moving and all of the positions you have been in that you are now both ready for labor! Nothing in this pregnancy surprises me anymore.
Baby B you are small but mighty! You are a fighter and a miracle. You have always measured smaller than your sibling and we wonder if it’s because you implanted a week later? We will never know! With every setback (like your funny cord insertion!) you keep thriving! Baby A you remind me so much of your sister, so strong and so perfect. You have been head down my entire pregnancy, and I know it’s because you are ready for anything and ready to meet the world!
I can’t wait for the moment when we first meet you and they put you both on my chest. That is the best feeling in the world! Your dad and I decided not to find out if you are boys, girls, or one of each. It will be such a fun surprise to find out your genders. I hope your dad gets to tell me the big news (just like last time!)
Speaking of your dad, he is the absolute best! He has the kindest heart and he is so much fun! He works so hard for our family and we are so lucky to have him. I hope you always know how much we love each other and how much we love you!
And just wait until you meet your big sister Rosie! She is so excited to meet you and she takes her new title very seriously. She can’t wait to give you bottles, share her toys, give you pacis, and help you sleep (all her ideas!) You’re really lucky to have Rosie as a big sister. She is so loving and so fun and she will always take care of you!
Lastly, when you get home, please be patient with me. Know that I am doing my best and that we are all adjusting to being a family of five. I promise to give you all of the love and attention that I can and I promise that I am giving my all. I love you more than you will ever know.
Your Mom
*Photography by Lexi Renae Photography / Dress Link
Aunt Coco says
I’m not crying, you’re crying!!