Rosie is 2 years old! I can’t believe it! I have been writing Rosie a letter every year on her birthday, so if you really want to know my feeling on the topic, see this post. Spoiler: its a tear jerker! 2 years old is seriously the most fun age. She and I have the funniest full-on conversations, and she loves to tell me stories. I never want to forget the sounds she makes when she chews, her perfect ringlet curls, the way she moves her hands, her hilarious facial expressions, her laugh, and how she bosses people around. She is seriously the coolest kid.
For Rosie’ 1st birthday, we did the classic cake smash. This year, our photographer took some photos in our backyard and it was really sweet. It was nice to be able to capture Rosie in her natural element, getting shots of her picking flowers, dancing, and running around. These are the perfect photos to capture our sweet and spunk 2 year old!
Here is all about Rosie at 2 years old!
What Rosie is Doing:
- Opening and closing doors
- Getting hurt and wanting someone to kiss it
- Counting to almost 20!
- Watering the flowers
- Wearing a purse and sunglasses and acting like a diva
- Imitating everything we say
- Starting to show interest in potty training
- Loves flamingos (“mingos”)
- Does a lot of “poses” for the camera
- Singing songs like abc song, rain rain go away, zoom zoom zoom
- Loves to play ring around the Rosie
- Started swimming lessons again and did great
- Speaking in long sentences and telling stories
Some of My Favorite Things Rosie Says:
- I do it
- I got it
- All mine
- Shake your booty
- Excuse me
- I hold it
- Happy Birthday
- Daddy working shhhh
- Oh geeze
- Hold you
- Show me
Fun Things We Have Done Lately:
- First overnight with one of her grandparents
- Lots of celebrations: Daddy’s Birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July
- Anything with water: swimming in the pool and swim pond, boating on the lake, playing at the splash pad
- Anything outdoors: playing in the fairy garden, blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk, playing at the park
- Traveled to Iowa and Kansas recently
- Fed the animals at Fawn Doe Rosa
- Lots of playdates and fun with her best friend Brooke
- Went to a peony farm
- Races at Canterbury Racetrack
- First spa day with “toe painting”
- Went strawberry picking
- Went to the Lake Harriet elf tree, Sebastian Joe’s, and Wild Rumpus
Favorite Products at 2 Years Old:
We still love our car seat and stroller (same as we were using at 1!) For her second birthday, Rosie got a wagon and it’s been nice to add that to our transportation line up the last few weeks. She’s been playing a ton outside and in the water, and we’ve been loving this life jacket and these jelly sandals for all things outdoors. With the pandemic, we haven’t travelled as much as in her first year, but we still really love this pack and play and swear by the slumber pod! Here are some links for our favorite items right now!