I’m so excited to share all of my Amazon dresses with you (and all in one place!) I’ve had a lot of luck with Amazon dresses over the last 2 to 3 years. My love for Amazon dresses began when I was pregnant. I didn’t want to buy maternity clothes and I also didn’t want to spend a lot of money. Amazon seemed like a cute and affordable place to buy some dresses. After having Rosie, I made another big dress order. I wasn’t feeling super confident in my postpartum body, and wanted some loose fitting dresses to wear to upcoming events and trips. I have purchased Amazon dresses here and there ever since!
When I started counting my dresses, I realized I have 15 dresses from Amazon (oops!) You will see all 15 dresses below (you asked, I delivered!) All 15 dresses have a mirror selfie of me from last week so that way you can see what they look like on my body right now. Then, there is an additional photo of me wearing it sometime in the last 2 or 3 years. There is just 1 dress that I do not have an additional photo of because I haven’t worn it yet (it’s the last one!) Now go for it, here are the 15 dresses! I noted my favorites too!