We’re having twins!
It still doesn’t feel real, but I guess sometimes when you wish for a miracle, you get two! We are all so so excited. The Schrank TWINS will be arriving this Spring!
To those struggling with infertility and trying to grow their family, I know what that feels like. I know how hard it is to see a pregnancy announcement and wonder when it’s going to be your turn. I see you and I am always open to talk!
Rosie Is A Big Sister!
Rosie can’t wait to be a big sister. She likes to talk to the babies and tell them about all of the things she wants to do with them. When I ask her how many babies are in mommy’s tummy, she goes, “two babies! no way!” She thinks we should name both of the babies “Bobby” and we have no idea where she came up with that! One of the reasons that our infertility was so difficult this time around was because we wanted this so bad for her and it was killing us that we couldn’t give it to her. We can’t wait to see her in her new role, she is going to be the best big sister!
How We Found Out
With out first pregnancy, Tony actually found out first! (You can see that full story here!) This time around, I knew I wanted to surprise Tony in some way. When Tony was golfing one Sunday, I took the very last pregnancy test I had at home. And at just 11 days past ovulation, I got a very faint line on the test! I put Rosie in the car and I hurried over to Walgreens to get more tests. I bought two digital tests because I wanted to be SURE that we were pregnant before telling Tony. The digital test said ‘not pregnant’ so I thought maybe I had just imagined the faint line. The next day, I took the second digital test and it said ‘pregnant’ and I knew it was right! I put Rosies ‘big sister’ shirt on her (I had had this shirt for MONTHS) and brought her into Tony’s office and he was so surprised!
Oh Sh*t, It’s Twins!
At our 8 week ultrasound, we found out we were having twins! The ultrasound tech said, “There’s two in there. Did you know that?” Of course we had no idea and we were so shocked! Tony was filming our ultrasound on his phone (not because he thought we were having twins, but just to have it for the memories), so he has our full reactions saved which is really fun!
The Babies Are Due This Spring!
Because twins are typically born early, we don’t know exactly when we should be expecting them, but we are thinking March! Of course the longer they stay in the better, so we appreciate all of your positive vibes and prayers throughout our pregnancy.