It is all of our responsibility to stay home and stay safe. That being said, all of this time at home is tough! We’ve been quarantined for about three weeks now, and there are a lot of items that have been making this quarantine a little bit easier. Here are 10 items to help you thrive at home.
1 – Nespresso machine: We both love coffee and with this machine you can make both coffee and espresso. It’s currently on sale for $135!
2 – Nespresso pods: You need some pods to go with the Nespresso machine. The pods are the same price on Amazon as in the store, so I order them online typically. Grab this organizer too.
3 – Milk frother: If you want to take your coffee game up a notch, start adding frothed milk to your coffee every day.
4 – Water bottle: Tony got me this water bottle for my birthday and I love it because it has the time on the side of the amount of water you should drink by that time.
5 – Metal straws: Because we’re all at home, there’s no need to use disposable straws. I also just think these are fun to drink out of!
6 – Fuzzy slippers: These slippers are the best! They are just like Ugg, but a fraction of the price. Grab these now!
7 – Cozy blanket: This blanket is HUGE! I bought it to fit a king size bed but that makes it so cozy for binge watching on the couch!
8 – Wine glasses: These are my favorite wine glasses (they’re on sale right now!) They are the same glasses that they have on Scandal! Just call me Olivia Pope.
9 – Google Chromecast: I bought this during quarantine and it is essential for working out at home. It allows you to stream from an app on your phone to your tv. Great for live workouts!
10 – Stroller – This is our stroller and it’s the best stroller ever. We go on daily walks and it’s a great way to stay active and get some Vitamin D.
If you’re looking for items specifically for babies, check out this post!