Rosie is 15 months and a full-on toddler! She is a walking, talking, wild toddler! This is such a fun age for us because she is a sponge! Rosie repeats what I say, tries to imitate everything I do, and is learning so much every day. I always want to remember her little curls, the way she blows a kiss, all of her animal sounds, the way she eats an apple, the way she says certain words like “mama,” “no,” and “bye,” and her darling dance moves. I love you my sweet girl.
This is the first milestone that we haven’t done professional photos! I had to stop that eventually right?! I did include my favorite photos from the last 3 months!
Here is all about Rosie at 15 months!
- Walking all the time
- Standing up in her high chair (oops, need to buckle her in!)
- Lots of new words: bye, wow, ow, woah, ball, bubble, peekaboo, touchdown, bless you, game day, apple
- LOVES animal noises: cow, dog, cat, horse, monkey, lion, sheep
- Obsessed with reading books and will give us books to read in the play room – her favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear
- Eating like a toddler now (lots of cheese, carbs, and fruit!) and especially loves to bite into apples or string cheese
- Puts things into my hands like a book or toy
- Down to 1 nap a day (typically 12-1:30) and sleeping 13 hours at night
- No more bottles (started at 14 months) and only drinks out of a straw cup (we use this one for milk and these for water)
- “Knocks” on things when you say “knock knock”
- Dances in circles and does a baby bounce too
- Still loving a lot of the same things like peekaboo, high fives, kisses, clapping, and waving
- Teething (has 10 teeth now including 2 molars)
- A few trips to the splash pad
- Lots of swimming in the pool and on the boat
- Lots of time in the kitchen helper (baking, crafts, etc.)
- Tons of fun in the playroom we set up (play kitchen, table and chairs, car)
- Family time at home when we were isolating with Covid-19
- Trip to North Carolina and met her little cousins
- First “real” babysitter that wasn’t a family member
- Went to the apple orchard and picked lots of apples
- ECFE once a week in a group of 1 and 2 year olds
- Play dates with her friend Brooke (park, farm, zoo, mall, shakes!)
- Lots of time at the park and loves going down the slide alone
- Went to a few different pumpkin patches
- Fun visits from grandparents and Aunt Mallory
- Grandma (Emma) had knee surgery to Rosie took care of her
- Playing in the first snow of the season
Obviously every day with Rosie is different, but here would be the goal schedule for us right now.
- 8:30 – wakeup and straw cup of milk while she lays in bed with me
- 9:00 – get ready for the day and breakfast
- 9:30 – morning activities (crafts, walks, baking)
- 12:00 – lunch
- 12:30 – nap
- 2:00 – wakeup and afternoon activities (errands, play dates, time outside)
- 3:30 – snack
- 4:00 – playroom and/or screen time (only we time we do a lot of this!)
- 6:00 – dinner
- 6:30 – straw cup of milk while we play
- 7:30 – bedtime routine
Rosie has quite the vocab these days! She seems to talk more than other kids her age, but if your baby isn’t saying this many words, don’t worry! All babies are different! Some kids don’t talk until they’re two! I wasn’t going to include an exact list, but I did get a question on this so I thought I would put it out there. I do know at Rosie’s 15 month well-visit, they were interested in knowing whether Rosie knew at least 8 words? But again, it’s completely normal if they don’t too! That’s just a benchmark.
- 8 months: Dada
- 9 months: Mama, Ella
- 11 months: Uh Oh
- 12 months: No, Num Num, Nummy
- 13 months: Bye
- 14 months: Wow, Ow, Woah, Ball
- 15 months: Baba, Bubble, Peekaboo, Touchdown, Bless You, Game Day, Apple