- mini donuts
- poutine
- chicken in a waffle
- pronto pup
- cinnie smith cinnamon rolls
- grilled cheese bites (*new*)
- cheese curds
- corn fritters
- candied bacon blt (*new*)
- sweet martha’s cookies
see photos of all of the food below!mini donuts for breakfast! the tom thumb ones are the. best.
poutine for tony! poutine is basically fries with gravy and cheese curds on top.
this is my favorite i think! chicken in a waffle cone with gravy on top.
you have the get the pronto pup. it’s a banquet on a stick!
i look so happy here.
tony wanted to buy this pontoon so bad! they literally sell everything you can think of at the fair.
cinnie smith cinnamon rolls. these used to be one of our favorites but we think they have gone down recently. we decided we are going to pass for next year.
this is a new item we decided to try out this year. the deep fried grilled cheese bites. overall, we liked them. i thought it was very similar to eating a cheesy bread stick.
cheese curds may be my all-time favorite fair food. something funny that most people won’t admit is that this cheese comes from wisconsin.
i love this selfie where tony is just holding the ketchup.
a classic combination.
here we are waiting to go on ye old mill. the best!
we tried the sky glider for the first time this year. tony is afraid of heights and he was a little nervous on this ride. i don’t think we will do it again!
corn fritters above and the candied bacon blt below (a new item!) i really liked the blt but it didn’t have fresh tomato, it had tomato jam. i feel like a blt needs fresh tomato.
the best way to end a day at the state fair. a giant bucket of sweet martha’s cookies!
bye state fair! until next year! 🙂