The current quarantine means all of us are spending A LOT of time at home with your baby. This is time that used to be spent running errands, having play dates, or taking them too classes. I have had to get a lot more creative to keep Rosie busy all day every day during quarantine. I put together a list of 50 different activities you can do with your baby at home (or just outside your home). This activities are geared toward an 8 month old (because that’s what I’ve got!) but there are ideas for all ages too.
- Go on a walk in your stroller or front pack
- Play with bubbles
- Lay in the grass
- Try an art project
- Play with pots and pans
- Do a fun photo shoot
- Bake a recipe
- Play with the dog
- Film TikTok videos (follow us! username is alissaschrank)
- Do a virtual story time
- Workout with baby
- Have a dance party
- Try some sensory bins
- Facetime with family members
- Swing if you have one (we just bought this one)
- Read books
- Take a fun long bath
- Listen to music
- Play airplane
- Learn sign language
- Play with musical instruments (Rosie loves these!)
- Make a hammock with a blanket and swing baby
- Pick up takeout food
- Vacuum (Rosie loves to watch!)
- Play with dolls (this one is for infants)
- Play with blocks and knock them down (I have these in my cart)
- Stack cups (we have these)
- Hide objects under cups
- Go for a drive
- Do your hair and makeup (Rosie loves to watch this!)
- Play with stuffed animals
- Practice counting
- Play tug of war
- Make a crawling obstacle course
- Look out the window
- Pull baby around on a blanket
- Play with cardboard boxes
- Practice singing (nursery rhymes or popular songs!)
- Do simple wood puzzles
- Play with a ball (roll to baby or have baby chase after)
- Imitate baby and have them imitate you too
- Let them use you as a jungle gym
- Practice walking by holding their hands
- Play with their playmat (we have this one) and hang different toys from the top
- Do laundry and have baby watch
- Crawl around an empty or baby proofed room
- Play with remote to see cause and effect
- Make faces in the mirror
- Play peekaboo
- Carry baby around on your hip