Rosie is 12 months! My baby is a year! Does that make her a toddler? I had A LOT of feelings on the topic (that I will spare you right now), but if you want to read my letter to Rosie, I published it here. Anyway, I absolutely love her age right now. She is walking, talking, and figuring it all out. I just love to watch her. I will always remember her belly laughs, when she reaches for my hand, how she kisses me when I am putting her down for a nap, or her holding up a “1” when we ask how old she is.
For Rosie’s 1 year photos, I wanted to do a cake smash. Girlfriend loved it! It was so fun to watch her do her thing. You can see her personality so much in these photos. I love the photos of her clapping and the ones of her laughing so hard. I love this sweet girl!
Here is all about Rosie at 12 months!
- Walking!
- Pushing the walker around a lot
- Throwing everything (bottle, toys, food, balls, etc.)
- Hitting and biting
- Does “so big” when you ask how big she is
- Says “Mama,” “Dada,” “uh oh,” “Ella,” “no” (her favorite), “num num” or “nummy”
- Doing high fives
- Trying to pull my ears off
- Eating 100 foods (we did baby-led weaning)
- Still loving peekaboo
- Teething (has 4 teeth now)
- Singing and dancing
- Still loves to clap and wave
- Giving lots of wet kisses
- Taking 2 naps a day and sleeping 12 hours at night
- Play dates with her friend Brooke
- Got donations together for South Minneapolis
- Cabin trip
- Lots of boating and swimming in the lake
- Fun time at our pool
- First 4th of July
- Tony’s first Father’s Day
- Went to pick strawberries and did a lot of baking
- Babysitter for the first time in MONTHS (due to Covid)
- Brooke’s birthday party
- First birthday party!
Obviously every day with Rosie is different, but here would be the goal schedule for us right now.
- 8:00 – wakeup, bottle, and breakfast
- 11:00 – nap
- 12:30 – wakeup and lunch
- 3:30 – nap
- 5:00 – wakeup and snack (maybe a little bottle)
- 7:00 – dinner
- 8:00 – bottle and bedtime
See my posts for the products she loved when she was a newborn, 3 months, 6 months, and 10 months.
Kitchen Helper – Rosie’s grandparents bought her this kitchen helper, which is basically a way for a toddler to stand up and “help” in the kitchen. She loves hanging out with me in there and I also give her a snack while she is standing there and it’s easy cleanup!
Babies – It makes me so happy that she is into playing with babies right now. She loves to give them a pacifier or a bottle and give them kisses. I found this set of diverse babies on Amazon and they are a hit so far.
Maxi Cosi Car Seat – Girlfriend finally got in a bigger car seat and I am so relieved that she loves it. She is much more comfortable and much happier. We went with this car seat because it’s a 3-in-1 and will work for her until she is 100 pounds. It’s also really pretty!
Play Kitchen – I would never have thought that Rosie was old enough to play with a play kitchen, but her friend has one and Rosie got to play with it and LOVED it. Tony and I got her one on Facebook Marketplace. It is from Pottery Barn Kids. This one is pretty affordable and on Amazon.
Sleep Items – We are still using this sleep sack for Rosie every night. It is a light muslin fabric so that she doesn’t get too hot. She wears long-sleeved footed pajamas underneath (these are our favorite). I bought her a few 2-piece pajamas but we haven’t tried them yet.
Eating and Drinking – We use a few different water cups for her. The bear one was the best one to start with. She now really likes the Hydro Flask. Rosie basically likes anything with a straw. She is not super interested in sippy cups? I’m not super concerned about that because she seems able to “sip” out of our water cups just fine. These are our favorite bibs (here and here).
Our Stroller – The best stroller ever that we are still using every day. I try to take Rosie on at least an hour walk every day.